Trap shy adult hogs will not step over a threshold. Dig a two-inch trench
with a hand pick to conceal the bottom gate frame. Use a level to ensure
the drop gate remains square for smooth operation. Cover the threshold
with dirt and camouflage to blend with surrounding area.
The panel joint at the gate support
post is the weakest link if not secured
properly. Ensure the panel’s vertical
1/4” steel rods are on the outside of the
enclosure (against the post) and the
horizontal steel rods are on the
inside. Use the post lugs to lock the
vertical steel rod between the post and
gate support.
Pull these twists as tight as
possible and reinforce the
joint with six anchor points of
double stranded 11 gauge
galvanized steel wire or a
single strand of 9 gauge
galvanized steel wire.