Hog Hunt / The Hunt

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We offer a two-night hog hunt. We supply all the rifles, thermals, ammo, and unlimited hogs and have no trophy fees.
  • Transportation is provided from the lodge to the areas that we will be hunting.
  • We can do single night hunts, Monday- Thursday night. Friday and Saturday are reserved for two-night hunts.
  • All of our hunts are spot and stalk. We normally take our first shots at 50m. This will allow us to have second and third shots on a group of hogs.
  • We have a two-person minimum-three person max per guide. We can handle up to 9 people at any given time. Provided all three guides are available on those nights.
    We hunt January-May, September and October. All of our hunts are planned around the farmers crop cycle. January and February, we will be hunting over last year's peanut fields. In March we will be hunting over fresh planted corn. In May we will be hunting over fresh planted peanuts. We do not hunt June, July and August as the corn is 8' tall and you cannot see the pigs. Once they cut the corn in late August, we will hunt over fresh cut corn and mature peanuts. We will stop hunting mid-October when deer season starts. We try to stay about two days away from the full moon to allow us to sneak in close to the hogs.
    Yes, our lodging is with Mossey Creek Outdoors. The price for lodging is $75 per person per night. We can accommodate up to ten people at any given time. The lodge has three rooms and two bathrooms with a kitchen.
    On the day of your hunt you will arrive between 4-5 o'clock p.m. Once at the lodge, we will get you settled in. We then will conduct our rifle class, scope class, and go to the range to verify our zero. Once completed, we will leave the lodge and head to dinner, we normally eat at one of the local restaurants. After dinner is over, we try to get to our first field at dark. We will hunt for a minimum of 8 hours. During September and October, it is only dark for 8 hours, so that's all I can give you. When we are done, we will police up all the hogs, take a picture and turn in any hogs that you want to keep to the processor. We will then bed down for some much-needed rest. The guides will get up in a few hours and go scout new fields to see what we missed last night. We will link up for the second night hunt at about 5 o'clock and head out to dinner. Hunting will begin at dark and finish up around about 3-5 in the morning depending on what the hogs are doing. We will recover all the hogs and turn it into the processor and bed down for a short nap. Your hogs will be ready prior to your departure, check out at the lodge is at noon.
  • $600 per person per night for a two night hunt.
  • $600 per person per night for a single night hunt.
  • A 50% non-refundable deposit will secure your hog hunting dates, with the balance to be paid upon arrival by cash, check or credit card.
    We include the rifles, thermals, ammo, and unlimited hogs. Transportation from the lodging to the fields we are going to hunt.
    Lodging, meat processing, meals, and a guide gratuity is not included in the cost of the hunt.
    Yes. The town of Dawson is about 10 minutes away.
    Our hunters normally take the meat with them. Any meat not taken we try to donate to the local population.
    Yes, Mossey Creek doubles as our lodge and processor and will normally charge $45 to skin and quarter any hogs that you want to keep. They can also make sausage which is charged for by the pound (link, smoked, pattie) or standard cut for $70. Taxidermy is also available.
    We shoot the Daniel Defense DD5 V4 .308 AR10 platform.
    We have over a 95% success rate for our two night hog hunts.

Contact Details

Telephone: 706-570-5753 or 706-304-5756
Email: info@southernhogcontrol.net
Website: southernhogcontrol.net

P.O. Box 1342,
Fortson,  Georgia

Tactical Boar Hunting • Feral Hog Traps, Trapping and Metodology

SOUTHERN HOG CONTROL, LLC was established in October 2009 to help reduce the feral hog damage on agriculture and private property.

Our primary mission is to service private, state and federal hog removal contracts by employing the JAGER M.I.N.E.™ (Manually Initiated Nuisance Elimination) Feral Hog Trap System. This high volume pest control technique was developed during three years of research as the most efficient method to capture entire sounder groups during winter months at baited hog trap enclosures.

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