Videos / Training

Hog Trapping (M.I.N.E.™ Success)

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Hog Trapping - Columbus City (1)

The city of Columbus, Georgia contacted JAGER PRO™ during the month of December as feral pigs were damaging the yards and property of two residential subdivisions. Rooting was widespread across multiple property lines encompassing approximately 250 acres. This segment will demonstrate a textbook capture of the first sounder within 96 hours of building the enclosure without wasting any fuel, time or labor. The M.I.N.E.™ Trapping System proved to be an efficient control method in a residential subdivision and relieved the political tensions between the local city government and their citizens during the December holiday season.

Hog Trapping - Columbus City (2)

Hog Trapping - Columbus City (2)

Our Columbus, Georgia city contract will demonstrate a textbook capture of the second sounder within 9 hours of building the enclosure as feral pigs were damaging the yards and property of two residential subdivisions. We strategically chose a wooded property as our bait site with thick vegetation for bedding cover and to isolate our trap enclosure from other residential distractions. The M.I.N.E.™ Trapping System proved to be an efficient control method in a residential subdivision and relieved the political tensions between local citizens and city government officials within 36 hours of arriving on the property.

Urban Hog Control

Urban Hog Control

A homeowner called us during the month of May as feral hogs had been rooting the yards, lake and property within this residential subdivision since April. Rooting and damage was widespread across multiple property lines encompassing approximately 100 acres. The time line was erratic as damage would occur for two or three nights in a row and then nothing for maybe a week. No one could tell us exactly how many hogs were creating the damage, but it was very clear everyone wanted the hogs removed as soon as possible.
Our mission was to quickly gather intel and then efficiently remove 100% of the entire sounder in the shortest time possible. Standard Operating Procedure for each mission is to implement all three steps of our Capture Success Matrix™. This segment will demonstrate a textbook capture of the entire sounder within 48 hours of building the M.I.N.E.™ trap enclosure.

Strategy = 100% Success

Strategy = 100% Success

This segment will demonstrate the successful methods, strategies and technologies used to remove 40 of 40 feral hogs from a single location over three months. We will discuss each step in detail to reinforce the ability to perform 100% capture results in less than perfect conditions. This was one of our most difficult and frustrating hog removal projects to date as the sounders had been previously educated by three different sources; dog hunters, gun hunters and 5 x 10 portable traps. This is a prime example of using an Integrated Wild Pig Control™ model when traditional hunting and trapping pressures from surrounding locations produce erratic movement patterns and trap avoidance. High-volume feral hog control is more art than science.

3 Captures in 3 Consecutive Nights

Using Video Intelligence To Improve Capture Success

Gathering intelligence from onsite video is a very important component of efficient wild hog trapping. Our video segment will use three vital facts learned from video camera footage which enabled us to achieve 100 percent success at this location.
This segment successfully demonstrates the capture of an entire sounder group employing the JAGER PRO Manually Initiated Nuisance Elimination (M.I.N.E.®) Trapping System. The next video in our series will continue to demonstrate feral hog behavior so viewers will better understand how to accomplish 100 percent captures for more effective hog control.

26 Hogs Captured before June

26 Hogs Captured before June

This segment will demonstrate the successful method and technology used to remove 26 feral hogs from an agricultural farm during the month of June. We discuss each step of the M.I.N.E.™ Trapping System in detail to attain high volume capture results before planting season to prevent future crop damage from feral hogs. The JAGER PRO™ Capture Success Matrix™ and Integrated Wild Pig Control™ methodology proves to be an efficient control strategy for American farmers, landowners and homeowners without wasting any fuel, time or labor.

Success in June Corn

Success in June Corn

This segment will demonstrate the successful method and technology used to remove all 12 feral hogs from a 20 acre corn field within 8 days. We will discuss each step of the M.I.N.E.™ Trapping System in detail to reinforce the ability to perform 100% capture results during June corn planting. An Integrated Pest Management model for feral hogs is necessary to stop the future education and reproduction of an entire generation. The same eradication model is currently used by the pest control industry to tackle termites, rats and cockroaches.
We successfully demonstrate the efficient removal of 37 future problems on an Alabama farm within 96 hours of building the enclosure without wasting any fuel, time or labor. The MINE Trapping System proved to be an efficient control method in this specific situation.

Integrated Wild Pig Control (27 of 27 Using Two Methods)

Integrated Wild Pig Control™ (27 of 27 Using Two Methods)

An Alabama landowner contacted JAGER PRO™ during the month of November as feral pigs were damaging his property. This segment will demonstrate the strategic removal of two separate groups at the same location by applying two different approaches. One professional hog control operator effectively removed all 27 pigs from the target area by implementing the required discipline and skills needed to execute an effective Integrated Wild Pig Control™ plan. Our methods and technologies once again prove to be efficient while saving fuel, time and labor over traditional approaches.

Capture for Quality Deer Management

Capture for Quality Deer Management

The M.I.N.E.™ Trapping System has become an important tool for many quality deer managers to efficiently control feral hog populations on their property. Hunters are able to trigger the M.I.N.E.™ Gate closed from their tree stand using the 250 yard onsite remote during the day. More importantly, the M.I.N.E.™ Trapping System also allows users to close the gate offsite, from home or office, by using a cell phone via text photos from the M.I.N.E.™ Camera. This segment will demonstrate the successful method and technology used to remove an entire sounder of feral hogs from a Quality Deer Management area.

Contact Details

Telephone: 706-570-5753 or 706-304-5756

P.O. Box 1342,
Fortson,  Georgia

Tactical Boar Hunting • Feral Hog Traps, Trapping and Metodology

SOUTHERN HOG CONTROL, LLC was established in October 2009 to help reduce the feral hog damage on agriculture and private property.

Our primary mission is to service private, state and federal hog removal contracts by employing the JAGER M.I.N.E.™ (Manually Initiated Nuisance Elimination) Feral Hog Trap System. This high volume pest control technique was developed during three years of research as the most efficient method to capture entire sounder groups during winter months at baited hog trap enclosures.

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