Store / Safe and Secure Shopping

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Southern Hog Control, LLC and Thermal Rifle Scope are registered with the Authorize.Net Verified Merchant Seal program.

You can shop at webstore with confidence. We have partnered with Authorize.Net, a leading payment gateway since 1996, to accept credit cards and electronic check payments safely and securely for our customers.

The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the electronic check and credit card processing networks. See an online payments diagram to see how it works.

The company adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:


- 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for secure Internet Protocol (IP) transactions.
- Industry leading encryption hardware and software methods and security protocols to protect customer information.
- Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the Authorize.Net Privacy Policy.

When you check out through our Webstore

There are two options to proceed:
This slection will take you through our order process where you will enter your credit card information for your purchase and then be processed through our Authorize.Net Secure Gateway to complete your transaction.

2. PayPal Checkout.
The PayPal selection will allow you to use an exisiting PayPal account to complete your purchase. If you don't have a PayPal account it is easy to setup and FREE (PayPal).

Contact Details

Telephone: 706-570-5753 or 706-304-5756

P.O. Box 1342,
Fortson,  Georgia

Tactical Boar Hunting • Feral Hog Traps, Trapping and Metodology

SOUTHERN HOG CONTROL, LLC was established in October 2009 to help reduce the feral hog damage on agriculture and private property.

Our primary mission is to service private, state and federal hog removal contracts by employing the JAGER M.I.N.E.™ (Manually Initiated Nuisance Elimination) Feral Hog Trap System. This high volume pest control technique was developed during three years of research as the most efficient method to capture entire sounder groups during winter months at baited hog trap enclosures.

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