Videos / Information

JAGER PRO™ Equipment

384 x 288 Thermal Scope

384 x 288 Thermal Scope

The JAGER PRO staff has been working with various manufacturers for the past three years to develop a thermal scope for hunters which performs as well as military models. We have tested every thermal scope available on the commercial market. FINALLY, we have a winner.

Night Vision Scope

Night Vision Scope

This video will validate why JAGER PRO model night vision scopes are the best in the industry. We will explain and demonstrate each individual feature allowing you to see the performance with your own eyes. Our night vision scopes are built with the best Generation 3, ITT PINNACLE, image intensifier tubes available to the public. The ITT "thin film" tubes coupled with a gated power supply makes photo response 22% higher, improves signal-to-noise ratio nearly 24% and reduces the halo diameter. Pinnacle tubes provide a 20% greater range of vision at night over standard, Generation 3 filmed tubes.

Thermal Monoculars

Thermal Monoculars

JAGER PRO™ has tested every thermal device available on the commercial market. We demonstrate a 19mm lens versus a 65mm lens at various distances capturing footage at the same time for a true side-by-side video comparison. The combination of technology using a 320 x 240 detector with a 65mm lens, a 7Ôø‡ x 5Ôø‡ field of view and a 25 micron pixel size makes this unit the most powerful, high resolution thermal monocular available to the public. Any better performance would make this a military and law enforcement only item. We were able to detect hog and coyote thermal signatures out to 1000 meters and recognize them at 550 meters with this thermal monocular

4G Camera Operations

4G Camera Operations

This video is intended to supplement the written operations manual by visually guiding users through each individual step to properly program, operate and maintain the JAGER PRO M.I.N.E™ and I.C.E.™ Cameras.

4G Camera Setup

4G Camera Setup

This video is intended to supplement the written operations manual by visually guiding users through each individual step to properly program, operate and maintain the 4G version of our JAGER PRO M.I.N.E™ and I.C.E.™ Cameras.

Electronic Trip Wire

Equipment Demo (4)- Feeder with Digital Timer

This segment will demonstrate how to properly assemble a 55 gallon steel feeder with digital timer. JAGER PRO traps feral hogs year round and we need quality equipment to handle high-volume usage in all types of weather. The American Hunter steel hopper has a 350 pound capacity with heavy metal legs, metal motor housing, metal mounting brackets, metal grain slinger, metal downspout and a high torque industrial motor. There are few maintenance problems because there are no cheap plastic components on this rugged unit to break. High quality American Hunter steel feeders give us the best dependability for high-volume trapping success.

Contact Details

Telephone: 706-570-5753 or 706-304-5756

P.O. Box 1342,
Fortson,  Georgia

Tactical Boar Hunting • Feral Hog Traps, Trapping and Metodology

SOUTHERN HOG CONTROL, LLC was established in October 2009 to help reduce the feral hog damage on agriculture and private property.

Our primary mission is to service private, state and federal hog removal contracts by employing the JAGER M.I.N.E.™ (Manually Initiated Nuisance Elimination) Feral Hog Trap System. This high volume pest control technique was developed during three years of research as the most efficient method to capture entire sounder groups during winter months at baited hog trap enclosures.

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